Emergency Management for Everywhere

The Strata solution suite delivers leading edge Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) capabilities for agencies around the globe, serving 9-1-1, Law Enforcement, Fire and EMS agencies of any size and in any language.
What differentiates Strata is its fault tolerance, extensive configurability, breadth of functionality, and its ability to integrate with all communications and information systems. This streamlines user processes and leverages all information available to make the best decisions, shorten response times and maximize first responder safety.
Scale to dozens of sites, hundreds of positions, and thousands of mobile devices; current customers at city, county, province, state and national levels.
No single point vulnerability of software or hardware. Local survivability of communication centers even when communication is lost with the server farms.
Multi-Discipline Communication Centers
Strata CAD users can follow tailored, structured protocols to determine and easily create responses for all agencies needed for a given incident.
Law Enforcement
Scheduling and rostering, geofencing, self-initiated activities, state and local database queries, planned events, ASAP alarm processing, and camera and radio integration.
Shift stages, post location assignments, move ups, system status management, integration with EMD protocols, advanced unit recommendations, non-emergency transports, and EPCR integration.
All EMS features plus run cards, shared crews, premise information, building risks, alarm levels, and station alerting.

Crafted By Decades Of Emergency Response
Strata CAD offers comprehensive call taking, dispatch, supervision and incident management capabilities that can be tailored to meet the needs of the most demanding 9-1-1, Law Enforcement, Fire and EMS agencies.
Strata CAD supports a variety of industry standards and regulations including NENA, APCO International, CJIS, and NFPA. All backed by EMERES’ mandatory compliance guarantee.
The highly adaptable user experience allows CAD users to:
- Follow consistent, efficient and effective methodology to process calls for service
- Easily classify non-emergency calls
- Avoid duplicating events
- Leverage unit recommendations and situation awareness to respond effectively to emergencies and manage first responder safety
- Capture and share multimedia incident information
- Manage agency response times and first responder safety
- Collaborate with external agencies and services

Softphone NG911
Effective Response Starts With Confident Call-Takers
Strata’s built-in NG9-1-1 compliant softphone can seamlessly integrate with leading telephony solutions.
It offers a streamlined call handling process sharing the same computer, display, sign on, map, reporting and audit trail capabilities.
In concert with CAD, it efficiently handles:
- 9-1-1 voice calls
- Texting and multimedia
- ALI and additional data
- Conversation recording
- Transcription and translation

Mobile Responder
Continuous Communication From Scene To Center
Strata mobile applications are available for laptops, tablets, and smartphone devices running Windows, Android and iOS. Mobile apps enable:
- Duty rostering
- Regular updates of unit location and status
- Self-initiated activities
- Two-way exchange of CAD event information
- Access to supplemental information on locations, persons, and vehicles from internal and external sources
- Chat messaging between agency personnel

Citizen App
Empower Your Public
Strata Citizen Apps, tailored to agency specific needs, allow citizens to easily share key information with emergency services. This is especially important in regions of the world where wireline and wireless telephone providers do not yet deliver automatic location identification. Citizen apps allow the public to:
- Communicate with emergency agencies through voice calls and text messaging including pictures and videos
- Have their basic information and location shared automatically when contacting emergency services
- Receive emergency notifications from public safety agencies when appropriate

GIS, Reporting, and Custom Interfaces
Strata delivers fully integrated ways to visualize and aggregate information for specific events and on-going operations. This includes:
- GIS and MAP viewer technology supporting ESRI, Google Maps, Bing Maps, OpenStreetMap, and raster images including satellite and aerial photographs
- Reports on call answering, processing and response metrics
- Integration with communication systems, external databases, video systems, and sensor/alarm feeds

Trusted Around The Globe
Strata is delivering solutions for public safety agencies worldwide in partnership with system integrators, local IT providers and best of breed technology partners.